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Asterix emerged to beat them all, they enjoyed
28.03.2010 | zobrazení 10587
The common camp of the Swedes and Czechs fulfilled our expactations. Good company, exciting terrains and plenty of cheese.

1 - MOMENT BANA + SIčák 1 (swe)

Welcome session consisting of several different exercises, ended by a very short sprint (we use to call it SIčák). The main goal was to get familiar with the terrain and map, as well as to get the importance of compass work under such visibility conditions. We could ease our minds a bit, the spring forest is more open than the green jungle during WC2006.
[course 1a]
[results 1b] (SIčák 1)

6 - DIRECTIONS (swe)

Second low speed session of the first day turned into a real challenge, as Vulcania area makes both the direct running and relocations quite difficult for everyone. Moreover, we have tried to use the map in 1:15.000, and found out it was probably too much to swallow. Most runners spent one and half hour in the biting vulcanic kingdom. But, you always learn something, even from an extreme ;)
[course 6] (on the trainig maps most of the area was blinded, except the ovals around the controls)

3 - MIDDLE Q (cze)

Simulation of a qualification race. Do your own race on the forked courses and enjoy the challenging terrain. (Have you succeeded?)
[MIDDLE Q - splits]
[course 3 - all courses W]
[course 3 - all courses M]
[course D1]
[course D2]
[course D3]
[course H1]
[course H2]
[course H3]

4 - MIDDLE F (swe)

Training race in the WC final area. Special feature: butterfly. Winners: Lina Persson & David Andersson.
[MIDDLE F - results]
[MIDDLE F - splits W]
[MIDDLE F - splits M]
[course 4 - W]
[course 4 - M]


Combined session - several courses aiming to practise a particular feature of navigation. Sunny day, enjoyable terrain, playful tasks. Almost two hours of difficult orienteering.
[course 5 - directions] (no control flags, just significant terrain features)
[course 5 - memory] (learn a leg and run it on a blinded map on the other side)
[course 5 - věšák/sběrák A1] (put a flag - pick a flag - meet)
[course 5 - věšák/sběrák A2]
[course 5 - věšák/sběrák B1]
[course 5 - věšák/sběrák B2]
[course 5 - SIčák] (SI ultrasprint)
[results - SIčák 2]


Four mass start situations with an excellent starting field. Two groups starting 30-40" after each other, every runner with his/her unique course alternative. By intention we have used the same tricky area as´d been used for WC relay 2007. Great fun (at least for the coaches ;).
[results W]
[results M]
[course - legs 1+4]
[course - legs 2+3]


Divided into mostly international pairs, the task was to run the course and regurarly exchange the lead. Different strategies were used, from pure following to verbal expression of leg strategy.
[course 2] (course not available so far)


Our final session in Auvergne was organised by our french friends, who seized the opportunity and prepared a small party by their recently built chalet above the lake Aydat.
[results - Aydat sprint]
[course - W]
[course - M]

8 - MEMORY RUN (cze)

Simplification, memory deployment. Set a strategy for a leg, pick up the right objects, turn over the map and run on a blind course using your memory and compass. Plus some extra legs on direction keeping.
[course DA]
[course DB]
[course HA]
[course HB]

9 - START LOOPS (cze)

Start (or restart) moment training in a tricky stony field. Do the right things at the start: Suck information, have a good direction from the start flag, adapt the speed to the difficulty level.
[results W]
[results M]
[course - all loops]

10 - CHASING START (cze)

Starting order based on the results of session no9 (divided by 4). Mass start after 3 minutes. Special features: butterfly, forking, false flags, longer legs. The first women into the finish: Helena, Vendula, Linnea. Among men, David Andersson was leading at the run through, but then hit the tree and came back bleeding. Thierry, despite starting as the last, catched everyone and won ahead of Peter Öberg.
[results on the finish line - W]
[results on the finish line - M]
[results - splits at common controls]
[results - all splits on various course alternatives]
[course - W]
[course - M]

11 - PATH RELAY (cze)

The very last session of the whole camp. First two qualification rounds, then usual final amok. Our Tour de France is over!
[results - pair relay]
[course - qualifications]
[course - final]

An incredible load of impulses, valuable experience, lot of joy and motivation for further work. Thanks to everyone, who contributed:
Thierry, Jean-Paul, Andre, Evelyne, Jocke, Marita, Nicklas, Murko, Slava and - last, but most important - the main actors, the runners ;)


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... je nejen stav nejvyšší trénovanosti jednotlivých složek výkonu (taktika, technika a fyzička), ale hlavně jejich úspěšné propojení do kvalitního sportovního výkonu. Nejméně stabilní složkou je psychika, proto má na výkon relativně největší vliv.
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